The constitution of 1956 was the first constitution of Pakistan. Choudhary Muhammad Ali as a prime minister of Pakistan started the work of constitution-making. A draft of the constitution was presented on 23rd January 1956, which was passed on 29th February 1956.
The governor general of Pakistan Sikandar Ali Mirza approved the constitution on 2nd March 1956 and was applied on 23rd March 1956, proclaiming Pakistan is Islamic Republic. Sikandar Mirza took charge as the president of Pakistan.
Salient features of constitution are under:
1. Written Constitution
The Constitution of 1956 was a written document, containing 234 articles divided into 13 parts and 6 schedules.
2. Federal type Government
The government of Pakistan would be federal type government. The principle for the allocation of its subjects between its centers and provinces would be followed.
3. Parliamentary System of Government
Under the constitution of 1956, the parliamentary system should be introduced.
4. Basic Rights
All the citizens will be given basic rights. for example, the security of life and property, the freedom of speaking and writing.
5. Independent Judiciary
Under the constitution of 1956, the judiciary was declared independent. No retired judge will be appointed to any administrative post. The judge can only be removed by the president and two-thirds of assembly members concurring.
6. Single Citizenship
All the citizens of Pakistan would be given single citizenship. All the citizens will be called Pakistanis.
7. Flexible Constitution
The Constitution of 1956 was flexible in nature. two-thirds of the national assembly can be amended by the authentication of the president.
8. Unicameral Legislature
Under the constitution of 1956, a unicameral legislature was introduced. The seats were reserved for women, five for each wing. The assembly was elected for the tenure of five years.
9. National Language
Under the constitution of 1956, both Urdu and Bengali were given the status of official languages of the country.
10. Supreme Court
Supreme Court was empowered to declare any law repugnant to the Constitution.
Islamic Provisions of Constitution of 1956 are under:
1. Name of Country
According to the 1956 constitution Pakistan was declared the Islamic Republic.
2. Sovereignty of Almighty Allah
Under the constitution of 1956, the sovereignty (supreme power) belongs to almighty Allah.
3. Objective Resolution
Objective resolution was included in the preamble (parliament statement) constitution.
4. President to be Muslim
It was made compulsory that president should be Muslim.
5. Enforcement of Islamic Laws
Islamic laws will be enforced in the country according to Quran and Sunnah.
6. Islamic Research
There must be an organization that would research according to Islamic Principles.
7. Elimination of Riba
It was mentioned that government would eliminate Riba, and will make the country free of Riba.
8. Independent Judiciary
It was made guaranteed that the Judiciary would work independently and security service to the judge was insured.
9. Protection of Minorities Rights
Rights of minorities would be protected and they will be given full religious and cultural freedom.
10. Security of Islamic Traditions
It will be the responsibility of state to protect all the traditions of Islam.
11. Islamic Values
Democracy, social justice, equality and tolerance would be implemented.
Also Read: Pakistan Studies Notes
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