What is Education? Definitions, Concepts, and Perspectives

What is Education Definitions, Concepts, and Perspectives

In personal and societal development Education plays a key role in making individuals and communities useable. The word education is derived from the Latin word “educare” which means to bring up. Another Latin word “educere”, means to bring forth. Therefore, education to bring forth as well as bring up. The definition of education in common … Read more

Need for Educational Reform in Pakistan: Bridging the Skills Gap for the Future

Need for Educational Reform in Pakistan: Bridging the Skills Gap for the Future

In a world where skills matter a lot, the Education System of Pakistan faces significant challenges. With the increased demand for the development of skills, 2% of the national budget is assigned to the Education System, and that results in failing to keep pace with global standards. The current curricula of Pakistan fail to equip … Read more