General Zia ul haq Islamization in Political and Social System of Pakistan (1977- 1988) – University Notes

General Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq played a pivotal role in Islamizing Pakistan’s political and social systems during his rule from 1977 to 1988. His efforts were centered around implementing Islamic law, or Sharia, into the country’s legal framework.

Constitutional Reforms

Zia introduced amendments to the Constitution of Pakistan, incorporating Islamic principles and making Islam the state religion. The 1973 Constitution was modified to declare Pakistan an Islamic Republic, and Islam was made the state religion ¹.

Islamic Laws and Reforms

Zia introduced several Islamic laws, including:

  • Hudood Ordinances: Replaced parts of the Pakistan Penal Code with Islamic punishments, such as whipping, amputation, and stoning to death.
  • Zina Ordinance: Made adultery and fornication punishable by flogging or stoning to death.
  • Prohibition Order: Banned the drinking and selling of wine by Muslims.

Institutional Reforms

Zia established several institutions to promote Islamization, including:

  • Shariat Courts: Separate courts to judge legal cases using Islamic doctrine.
  • Federal Shariat Court: A court to examine laws and ensure they comply with Sharia.
  • Council of Islamic Ideology: A council to advise the government on Islamic matters.
  • Social Reforms: Zia’s government promoted Islamic values and encouraged the adoption of a more conservative and traditional lifestyle.
  • Promotion of Islamic Education: Encouraging the establishment of madrasas (Islamic schools).
  • Encouragement of Islamic Values: Promoting prayer, fasting, and charity.

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Overall, Zia’s efforts had a profound impact on Pakistan’s political and social systems, shaping the country’s identity and influencing its future trajectory.

Here are the efforts of General Zia-ul-Haq in the political and social system of Pakistan:

Political System

Islamic Constitution: Zia introduced amendments to the Constitution of Pakistan, incorporating Islamic principles and making Islam the state religion.

  • Shariat Courts: He established Shariat courts to interpret laws according to Islamic principles.
  • Federal Shariat Court: Zia created the Federal Shariat Court to oversee the implementation of Islamic law in the country.
  • Islamic Penal Code: He introduced an Islamic penal code, which included punishments such as amputation, stoning, and whipping.

Social System

  • Promotion of Islamic Values: Zia’s government promoted Islamic values and encouraged Pakistanis to adopt a more conservative and traditional lifestyle.
  • Zakat and Ushr: He made Zakat (charity) and Ushr (agricultural tax) mandatory for Muslims to support the poor and needy.
    Islamic Education: Zia’s government promoted Islamic education and encouraged the establishment of madrasas (Islamic schools).
  • Media and Culture: He restricted Western influence on Pakistani media and culture, promoting instead Islamic and traditional values.


  • Increased Islamization: Zia’s efforts led to an increase in the Islamization of Pakistani society.
  • Conservatism: His policies promoted a more conservative and traditional lifestyle in Pakistan.
  • Human Rights Concerns: Zia’s policies also raised human rights concerns, particularly regarding the treatment of women and minorities.
  • Long-term Consequences: His efforts had long-term consequences for Pakistan’s political and social systems, shaping the country’s identity and influencing its future trajectory.

Also Read: Constitution of 1956: Salient Features and Islamic Provisions (Notes)

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