General Zia ul haq Islamization in Political and Social System of Pakistan (1977- 1988) – University Notes

zia ul haq islamization

General Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq played a pivotal role in Islamizing Pakistan’s political and social systems during his rule from 1977 to 1988. His efforts were centered around implementing Islamic law, or Sharia, into the country’s legal framework. Constitutional Reforms Zia introduced amendments to the Constitution of Pakistan, incorporating Islamic principles and making Islam the state religion. … Read more

John Dryden and Restoration Poetry – University Notes

Discover John Dryden’s restoration poetry

The restoration poetry was mostly satirical, realistic, and written in the heroic couplet, of which Dryden (1631-1700) was the supreme master. In his youth, he came under the influence of Cowley, and his early poetry has the characteristics of conceits and exaggerations like metaphysical poets. But later, he emancipated himself from the false taste and … Read more

Restoration Period: A Revolutionary Era of Change in England (1660-1700) – University Notes

Restoration Period: A Revolutionary Era of Change in England (1660-1700) - University Notes

After the restoration when Charles II came to the throne, there was a complete repudiation of Puritan ideals and way of living. In English literature, the period from 1660 to 1700 is called the Restoration Period (divided part of The Classical Age), because the monarchy was restored in England, and Charles II the son of … Read more

What is Philosophy: Branches, Aspects, and Key Concepts – University Notes

philosophy: Branches, Aspects, and Key Concepts – University Notes

Philosophy is the study of general and fundamental problems, such as those connected with existence, knowledge, values, reason, mind and language. Philosophy is a rational term to formulate and answer different question. The word philosophy comes from a combination of two Greek words- “philos” meaning “love” and “sophi” meaning “wisdom.” Etymologically, philosophy means the love … Read more

Figures of Speech: 15 Most Used Literary Devices notes

Figures Of Speech Notes 15 literary devices

A figure of speech is a word or a phrase used in non-literal sense to add certain effect to one’s writing. It may be an expression in which words are used figuratively, not in their normal literal meaning. Mostly used figures of speech are under; 1. Simile Simile is a figure of speech that compares … Read more

Constitution of 1956: Salient Features and Islamic Provisions (Notes)

constitution of 1956 notes

The constitution of 1956 was the first constitution of Pakistan. Choudhary Muhammad Ali as a prime minister of Pakistan started the work of constitution-making. A draft of the constitution was presented on 23rd January 1956, which was passed on 29th February 1956. The governor general of Pakistan Sikandar Ali Mirza approved the constitution on 2nd … Read more