Salient Features of the Constitution of 1956: A Landmark in Pakistan’s History

The salient features of the constitution of 1956.

Introduction In the establishment of the first formal governing framework, the noteworthy position in the history of Pakistan is held by the constitution of 1956 of Pakistan. This first constitution for Pakistan was established on March 23 1956 laying down the groundwork for Pakistan’s political and judicial system. Choudhary Muhammad Ali gave the idea of … Read more

What is Education? Definitions, Concepts, and Perspectives

What is Education Definitions, Concepts, and Perspectives

In personal and societal development Education plays a key role in making individuals and communities useable. The word education is derived from the Latin word “educare” which means to bring up. Another Latin word “educere”, means to bring forth. Therefore, education to bring forth as well as bring up. The definition of education in common … Read more

The Restoration Period (1660 – 1700): Transformation of English Literature

The Restoration Period (1660 - 1700): Transformation of English Literature

After the restoration when Charles II came to the throne, there was a complete repudiation of Puritan ideals and way of living. In English literature, the period from 1660 to 1700 is called the Restoration Period (divided part of The Classical Age), because the monarchy was restored in England, and Charles II the son of … Read more